Friday, January 29, 2010

What the Hell?

Yeah, so, January is just clipping along, right? And I am posting, like, every other day, keeping tabs on the ramblings and perambulations of myself, you know? And then, WHAM! Everything just stops. No posts. No nothing. What the hell, man?

It's the same old story, all this stuff that needs to get done. All these other distractions. The other interactivities. But, we can't just let January fizz out like a neglected two-liter of Coke in your grandmother's basement. So, here's some post-y goodness to break the silence.

Except that, I got nothing. It's Friday evening. The State of the Union is old news. JD Salinger is old news. Howard Zinn is old news. Groundhog Day is not until Monday. I can't think of any new news. But, that's the way it is sometimes. Even when you have nothing to say, it doesn't hurt to shout into the abyss every now and again, just so everybody else can be reminded that they are not alone.

I am here! I am here!

1 comment:

AMVB said...

Yay! I'm here too :) and am glad to read your latest - even when you got nothing dramatic to say. Howard Zinn and JD Salinger, both gone - makes me sad. Loved Barack throwin' that isht down on Wednesday night. And don't forget about the release of the ill-named iPad.

That 2-liter happens to be in my MOM'S house, BTW.
