Tuesday, August 22, 2006

In the Weeds

Sorry that I have been so unbloggery lately. Prepping for tomorrow's impending first-day-of-school-ness has been a daunting task, for some reason. Perhaps the prospective of working with several long-term substitutes (due to the loss of my partner teacher for a couple of months for an operation and chemo treatment in St. Louis) has me a bit flustered and I am overcompensating by trying to plan a lot more in advance than I usually do. Perhaps the fact that this will be my last year at my current school is creeping into my mind and making things harder (shouldn't it make it easier? You know, what are they gonna do, fire me?).

Whatever the reason, I have been out of touch. I apologize. Let this serve only to put me back in touch. I have nothing to report. Only seven more days until the next Chicken Nugget Opportunity! Oh, baby.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I hope the first day of school is going well for you. I've certainly missed being in touch via blog, but I totally hear you and understand about being stressed in various ways about the start of this academic year.

Last night I saw Lyle Lovett and His Large Band. Fabulous! All *18* of the musicians were very talented. I think you would have enjoyed the show.