Tuesday, April 07, 2009

Quick Hitter

Hey! I'm still around, just very distracted. I have had a few things to write about, namely Opening Day, Why I Hate April Fool's Day, Spring Snowstorms, The End of College Basketball Season, Work Stuff, but I have been too distracted to write about them.

I'll get around to them (or something else) soon. Until then, enjoy April: National Poetry Month, National Jazz Month, National Humor Month, International Guitar Month, National Welding Month, Keep America Beautiful Month, and National Anxiety Month (hereof late, hasn't every month felt like National Anxiety Month?)!

1 comment:

AMVB said...

Don't forget about Monkey birthday month!!!

Yay jazz! And all that other stuff too.

I look forward to reading more as you can get around to it. Be well in the meantime!